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BraceNFix™ is a technology designed by Australian podiatrists to treat ingrown toenails without the need for surgery.


Why BraceNFix™?


Onychocryptosis, otherwise known as an infected, ingrown toenail, is a common occurrence among people of all ages.


Traditionally, podiatrists were left with few options in permanently treating ingrown toenails. The two primary treatment options consisted of either performing a partial nail avulsion (surgical removal of part of the nail) or ongoing conservative trimming of the toenail.


BraceNFix™ has changed the way podiatrists treat ingrown toenails - giving patients an effective, pain-free & non-invaisive method of alleviating their symptoms.


*Please note, a partial nail avulsion procedure may be required and clinically indicated in certain cases.


How does BraceNFix™ work?


BraceNFix™ is a resin strip which is bonded to the top of the toenail, at its base. The trained Podiatrist ensures that the brace is wide enough to make contact along the whole width of the nail plate. Once it is positioned correctly, the brace is cured/set into place. As long at the brace is bonded to the whole width of the toenail, it is able to reduce the curvature of the problematic nail as it grows, reducing pain and risk of infection. Ideally, the brace remains in place until it has grown down to the edge of the toenail. Your Podiatrist may have to adjust the brace during this time.






















Can I claim BraceNFix™ on Private Health Insurance?


There is a recognised item number for toenail bracing: F344.

Please check the status of your cover with your Private Health Insurance provider.



Is BraceNFix™ treatment painful?


BraceNFix™ treatment is pain free and requires no injections, numbing agents or surgery.



Is BraceNFix™ a permanent solution to ingrown toenails?


In 80-85% of cases BraceNFix™ successfully reshapes the nail’s alignment and restores natural growth.
Please note that excessively thickened and curved toenails may need more than one course of BraceNFix™ therapy. 



Will BraceNFix™  help reduce my pain levels?


Patients usually experience immediate reduction in pain when BraceNFix™ is used following a general podiatry treatment. Patients typically report being totally pain-free after 2-6 weeks of the brace being applied.



Am I able to resume daily activities as normal after BraceNFix™ treatment?


Yes, you can resume daily activities as normal.



Is BraceNFix™ waterproof?


Yes, BraceNFix™ is waterproof. We do however, suggest that you do not bathe or submerge your toe for 48 hours from the time of application. Regular showering does not impact or compromise bonding of the brace to the toenail.



I have diabetes, is BraceNFix™ safe for me?


BraceNFix™ is suitable for patients who suffer with diabetes and/or who have poor circulation as BraceNFix™ is a non-invaisive treatment.

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