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Calluses and Corns


What are Corns and Calluses?


Calluses develop as a protective thickening of the outer-most layer of the skin.

Corns are pin-point areas of Callus, which under direct pressure develop a hard, central core. As the Corn develops, the more painful and debilitating it can be.

Corns mainly present around prominent weight-bearing areas of our feet or between toes which are excessively pressed together. They can also form around Bunions or Claw/Hammer toes.


What Causes Corns and Calluses?

Calluses and Corns develop as a reaction to abnormal or excessive pressure to the skin of our feet. Examples of this include:


  • Poorly fitting or narrow footwear

  • High heeled footwear

  • Underlying bone deformity e.g. osteoarthritic changes, bunions, claw toes



Podiatrists are trained to safely and effectively reduce or debride callus and corn formations. This is usually a pain-free experience as the outer-most layer of skin, (which thickens with callus formation), does not contain sensitive nerve-endings or blood vessels.

Your Podiatrist will then discuss offloading options in order to reduce symptoms and minimize the development of these lesions.​​​

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